Isabelle Filliozat
Psychotherapist, writer, lecturer and trainer
Emotions, emotivity, public speaking
are familiar to me!
I gave my first classes on these topics as a teacher at the Centre de Formation de Formateurs du Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in 1982.
I have then led numerous trainings during thirty years in all sorts of sectors (hospitals, banks, insurance companies, industries, administrations…), before creating EIREM, École des Intelligences Relationelle et Emotionelle (School of Relational and Emotional Intelligences), structure through which I have transmitted my expertise and the approach I developed, the integrative empathic approach.
The team I have trained around me offers personal trainings, personal development actions, training to become life coach or parenting coach, or even trainer or psychopractitioner. To find english spoken family coach : see our list
As a mother of two children, I have delved into the realm of positive parenting, which entails non-violence and fostering the optimal development of children.
Following the keen interest brought about by my books in the domain of parenting, I created Les Ateliers Filliozat (Filliozat workshops), workshops for parents and professionals, to discover the empathic approach to children. My “parenting” team grows, and I have opened a new company, Filliozat & Co, for organizing conferences, workshops, and specific interventions among childcare professionals.
Leading figure for positive parenting in France, I was named Vice-President of the Commission of the 1000 First Days (from pregnancy to two years), initiated by President Macron’s government in 2019-2020.
I am a co-pilot and lecturer in the ‘Pathway of the First 1000 Days’ program at the University of Lille, and I am a member of the initiating committee of the ‘Marseille, Non-Violent City’ project.”
Today, I am author of more than fifty books written in French for adults and children. Translations are available in twenty-eight languages.
The following videos are subtitled in English:
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